
Sunday, July 09, 2006

My best friend's wedding

Kelly got married yesterday and she is Mrs Shum now. She dun really like me to address Samuel as her husband but would like to remain his status as a boyfriend (guess she's probably not used to her newly found title). Hers is a church wedding and this is the first time I attended one. Yes, dar guessed it correctly. He said Im sure to cry on her wedding day and I did! I just feel very touched when I heard the rev talked about the meaning of marriage. When the couple said I do, Im touched. When they said the prayer and exchanged vows, Im also touched. Guess Im a sentimental person? heehee...

When the bridegroom was thanking his parents and Kelly's brother, he sort of 哽咽 and Kelly got to pass him the tissue. Seems like the role has switched right? Shouldnt be the bride to be crying?? Heehee, Im so happy to see them getting married especially I know how their relationship begins and to see them been together for the past 5 years. Im happy for her coz she has found the right guy who I know he loves her a lot and they will be together forever! 牧师说婚姻是神圣的。可是现在的人仿佛把婚姻当儿戏,离婚率不断攀高,他们是否忘了曾经的宣誓?Marriage shouldnt be taken lightly, must think seriously before saying "I DO" Saw many ex-colleagues today and time flies, their kids have grown up. It's scary how time just passes by, once a baby now a naughty little gal who run up and down the stairs =)

Kelly might not see this blog entry of mine, but I would like to say:



Blogger Ah heng said...

yeah yeah yeah!!!

10:19 AM  

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